Transform Your Look with ChriStyle Hair

Your Go-To for Stunning Hair Extensions & Beauty Services

Welcome to ChriStyle Hair, your expert hairdresser specializing in tape-in installation & removal and micro ring extensions. Experience top-notch services at our local home salon or opt for the convenience of our mobile services.

Tape-In Extensions

Experience seamless tape-in extensions for a natural look and feel that enhances your hair volume and length.

Micro Ring Extensions

Achieve stunning hair transformations with micro ring extensions, a versatile and long-lasting solution.

Local Home Salon

Visit our cozy home salon for a personalized and relaxing experience, tailored to meet your beauty needs.

About ChriStyle Hair

Elevate Your Beauty with Us

At ChriStyle Hair, we are dedicated to enhancing your beauty and confidence through premium hair extensions and professional styling services. Our focus is on providing exceptional quality and personalized care to each client. Discover a world of beauty transformation with us.

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Happy Clients


Extensions Installed


Beauty Transformations

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